Separator, Cream
Separator, Cream
Separator, Cream

Separator, Cream

Object number2004.7.56 a-i
Credit LineGift of Reed Otto
DescriptionManual metal cream separator.DimensionsHeight x Width: 26 × 17.75 in. (66 × 45.1 cm)
Label on front of the base has text "FARM [image of a farmer] MASTER / Our Pledge of Superior Quality [cursive] / CREAM SEPARATOR / MODEL NO. 338.4 / SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO. U.S.A."
Historical NotesCream separator belonged to Reed Otto.Label TextMilk straight from the cow is known as “full cream,” with nothing taken away and nothing added. As so many people preferred lower fat, or even skimmed milk, for drinking, this device was essential in the dairy business. The very rich cream could be used for butter-making and desserts.
Previous owner
On View
On view
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