Hat, Hard
Object number92.96.19
Mine Safety Appliances Company
Mediumvarious plastics, metal, paint, paper labels, ink
Credit LineGift of Park Corporation
DescriptionSteelworker's protective hard hat. High-domed, full-brimmed design.Dimensions6.5 x 10.5 x 12.125 in. (16.5 x 26.7 x 30.8 cm)InscriptionsDymo-type embossed plastic tape label on front of hat reads "Chief and Cheif [sic] Morningstar".
Two union election stickers adhered to sides of helmet have text "Elect Mike Pekich for President Local 1397 / Election Tuesday April 13, 1982".
Historical NotesThis hard-hat was collected at the site of the Homestead Works of the United States Steel Corporation. The name and nickname on the helmet suggest the possibility that this hat was worn by a man of American Indian ancestry.Label TextAll of these items were used in the Homestead Works steel mill before it closed. The hard hat was worn by a Homestead Works steelworker.
Related person
Mike Pekich
Related institution
United Steelworkers of America
On View
On viewMine Safety Appliances Company