Gray Fitch Scariot Memorial T-Shirt Quilt

Object number2024.84.1
Copyright holder
MediumCotton; Fabric; Thread; Yarn
Credit LineGift of Rosemary Hogan
DescriptionRectangular T-shirt fabric quilt. Quilt is comprised of central rectangular patchwork section of fabric t-shirt sections of different colors with different printed graphics and text. T-shirt sections are arranged in four columns and roughly seven rows. Subject matter includes women’s rights, feminism, politics, popular culture, and women-related businesses, companies, and organizations. Scattered red yarn ties. Front of quilt has blue fabric border that matches overall blue fabric reverse. Reverse has white fabric sleeve along top edge for hanging purposes.DimensionsHeight x Width x Depth: 89 x 66.5 x 1.5 in. (226.1 x 168.9 x 3.8 cm)
InscriptionsViewer’s left column, from top to bottom:
White T-shirt section with black graphic of a silhouetted woman writer and dark purple/gray text “A ROOM / OF ONES / OWN”;
Red T-shirt section with black graphic of a woman standing;
Blue T-shirt section with black graphic of many-armed woman doing numerous tasks with black text “I NEED A WIFE”;
Light gray T-shirt section with three images of same African American woman and black text “GREAT BLACK AMERICAN / Abolitionist / Sojourner Truth / 1790-1883”;
Green T-shirt section with green and white graphic of woman playing autoharp (string instrument) beneath a crescent moon; white text “LADYSLIPPER / MUSIC”;
Blue T-shirt section with two hands forming a central triangle that frames a crescent moon; white text “Women Unite / Take back / the night!”; and
Brown T-shirt section with woman reading beneath crescent moon; brown and white text “THE BIRMINGHAM BOOKSELLERS / FLORENCE RAE DOWLING / GRAY FITCH SCARIOT PROPS / 2222 E. CARSON ST. PITTSBURGH, PA. 15203”.

Second column from viewer’s left, from top to bottom:
Yellow T-shirt section with brown text “a man’s home / is his castle / …let him / clean it!”;
Blue T-shirt section with profile view of women’s heads inside the female gender symbol; black text “Sisterpower”;
Black T-shirt section with black and white city skyline below white and pink text “CITY LIFE / Alive!”;
Purple T-shirt section with photographic graphic of woman’s head; black text “[female gender symbol] LIVING HERSTORY SERIES [female gender symbol] / Martina Navratilova”;
Yellow T-shirt section with graphic of six marching women holding a banner; black text “E.R.A. / …it’s about time”;
Red T-shirt section with design containing stylized female bodies; black and red text “wildsisters coffeehouse”; and
Light gray T-shirt section with bust portrait of woman in an double oval frame; navy blue text “ELENA LUCREZIA CORNARO PISCOPIA / Prima Donna Laureata del Mondo / MAGISTRA ET DOCTRIX PHILOSOPHIAE / UNIVERSITY OF PADUA, 1678”.

Third column from viewer’s left, from top to bottom:
Off-white T-shirt section with photographic image of woman pilot; brown text “AMELIA EARHART”;
Purple T-shirt section with hand clutching crescent moon; white text “Women Unite! / Take Back / The Night / Pittsburgh 1980”;
Light gray T-shirt section with red and pink flower and red text “Rubyfruit / Jungle”;
Yellow T-shirt section with purple stars and purple text “OUT OF THE MAINSTREAM / INTO THE REVOLUTION / M / MAJORITY / CAUCUS / C”;
Light gray T-shirt section with super hero woman inside the female gender symbol; blue text “the future is female / FLORIDA / NOW”;
Green T-shirt section with blue text “gentle lovers / last longer”; and
Yellow T-shirt section with image of Wonder Woman; red and blue text “Wonder Woman”.

Viewer’s right column, from top to bottom:
Red T-shirt section with blue stars, blue circular logo, and plus sign (design resembles female gender symbol); blue text “NOW / NATIONAL ORGANIZATION / FOR WOMEN”;
Light gray T-shirt section with Egyptian figure and black text “MUMMIES FOR / THE E.R.A.”;
Cream-colored T-shirt section with green leafy vine design and green text “born / again / pagan”;
Blue T-shirt section with two female gender symbols containing equal signs and flanking black and blue text “FEMINIST UPDATE / Racism & Sexism / GRAY”;
Brown T-shirt section with brown and white classical landscape scene with woman in foreground and horse-drawn chariot in the background; white text “QUEEN MAEVE / AND COMPANY”;
Purple T-shirt section with green text “Bloomer’s”;
White T-shirt section with brown photographic bust portrait of a woman above brown text “Isadora Duncan”;
Navy blue T-shirt section with red logo that includes female gender symbol; red text “International / Women’s Year / 1975”; and
Blue T-shirt section with white text “I am a womanmade product”.

Three T-shirt sections overlap two columns:
Between the left two columns, near the bottom is a cream-colored T-shirt section with blue grand piano superimposed with tree and night sky image; and blue text “THE 7TH / MICHIGAN / WOMYN’S / MUSIC / FESTIVAL / 1982”;
Between the two center columns near the center of the quilt is a red T-shirt section with white border framing white flowers and white text “LADIES SEWING CIRCLE / AND TERRORIST SOCIETY”; and
Between the two right columns near the top is yellow T-shirt section with blue text “GOD IS COMING / AND IS SHE PISSED!”
MarksViewer’s left column:
Second T-shirt section from top has black printed text in the viewer’s bottom right corner “Nelson”;
Third T-shirt section from top has black printed text in the viewer’s bottom right corner “R / L. S Kler” [spelling?];
Fourth T-shirt section from top has black printed text in the viewer’s bottom left corner “©AMETCO LTD., 1975, CHICAGO, ILL.”; and
Sixth T-shirt section from top has white printed text at viewer’s right center “JG © 1981”.

Third column from viewer’s left:
Bottom T-shirt section has black text “©NATIONAL PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS, INC., 1973”.

Viewer’s right column:
Second T-shirt section from top has black printed text “©Copyright SEATTLE N.O.W. 1978”;
Third T-shirt section from the top has green text in the viewer’s bottom right corner of the printed design “S.D.R” or “S.D.B.”; and
Bottom T-Shirt section has white printed text “WOMANMADE PRODUCTS©”.

Between the two center columns near the center of the quilt is a red T-shirt section with white text “© / 1977”.

Between the two right columns near the top is yellow T-shirt section with blue text “WomanMade Products”.
Historical NotesDonor Rosemary Hogan won this quilt at a memorial for Gray Fitch Scariot. Scariot's father founded the Washington Steel Corporation and she used her inherited wealth to support the local women’s movement in Pittsburgh in the 1970s till her death in 2005. Gray attended Winchester Thurston and then Vassar College before graduating from the University of Pittsburgh. The quilt is made of T-shirts and shows the causes that Scariot supported and were important to her. The T-shirts also help document the local women’s movement in the region. Scariot was a cofounder of The Birmingham Booksellers in the South Side, which focused on women and lesbian literature, she became instrumental in the formation of the Wildsisters Collective, later Bloomer’s, that served as a gathering and performance space for women, also on the South Side. The Queen Mauve and Company represents a local moving company that was run by lesbians and employed lesbians. The “Women Unite, Take Back the Night” shirts were local marches sponsored by Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR) and other women’s organizations to bring awareness to rape prevention. Anne Pride, who was the Executive Director of PAAR during this period, coined the phrase. NOW had a very active presence in the Pittsburgh region, with the first local chapter forming in 1967. Scariot also supported the Washington Women’s Shelter, served on the board of the Washington YWCA, and opened her home on Indian Lake as a supportive retreat for local women.
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