
Object number2021.180.1
Datec. 2010
MediumPolyester; Metal; Plastic
Credit LineGiven in honor of the McGinnis Family
DescriptionPurple polyester fleece jacket, size Medium (10-12). Stand-up collar. Long-sleeve. Metal zipper down front opening with pink zipper detail. One pocket on each hip.DimensionsHeight x Width (Width is between shoulder seams): 29.25 × 17 in. (74.3 × 43.2 cm)
InscriptionsWhite embroidered text on proper right breast "Sharon".

Purple and white embroidered text on proper left breast "McGINNIS / SISTERS / special food stores".
MarksInterior has pink fabric band around collar base with gray repeated text "LANDS' END".

Interior has black tag on collar at back center with white embroidered text on front "[logo] / LANDS' END / M/T / 10-12 / MADE IN G.I.Z. JORDAN".

Three maker tags inside jacket along proper left side seam near bottom:
Top is comprised of two layered white tags:
Top white tag has blue text on front "100% POLYESTER / [care instructions]" and care instructions on reverse;
Lower white tag has black printed numbers "443338 / ...";
further down the seam from the two white tags is a black tag has red and white details "[logo] POLARTEC".
Historical NotesThis purple logo fleece jacket represents a different point in Sharon McGinnis’ life and career. She ordered custom logoed fleece items often from Lands' End while in her 50s and 60s. She felt that the store’s success no longer required her to always be dressed up, and in effect, as Ashley Rose Young put it, this was “grandma mode.” The fleece was warm and comfortable, she could wear it while working at the store behind the scenes and also when she ran errands, such as picking up the grandchildren from school. In a way, it became her uniform for a different era of working at the store. The McGinnis Family Food Stores was a chain of family-run food markets that started in Pittsburgh’s South Hills Baldwin neighborhood in 1946. The first McGinnis market (variously referred to as “McGinnis Supermarket” or “McGinnis Food Market”) was started by family patriarch James Elwood McGinnis when he could not find a job after WWII. Beginning with a fruit cart, he eventually opened a grocery and deli at 2872 Custer Avenue in Baldwin that proved so successful it expanded to multiple stores, including one in Carrick/Castle Shannon and later Monroeville. The stores were operated by different family members. In 1985, three McGinnis sisters – Sharon McGinnis Young, Bonnie McGinnis Vello, and Noreen McGinnis Campbell – assumed operation of the main set of McGinnis Stores, rebranding them “McGinnis Sisters” markets. (Two brothers split off and started other stores not considered part of the chain.) With the three women serving as active spokespersons, the stores garnered more media attention during this period. For most of its operation, the chain was largely connected with stores that operated in the South Hills and Monroeville. Between 2008 and 2017, a McGinnis Sisters market also operated north of Pittsburgh in a shopping center in Adams Township/Mars, Pennsylvania. A series of events between 2017 and 2019 eventually brought about the closure of the chain.
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