Capsule, Time
Object number2007.167.350
Made by
Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company
(1886 - 1945)
MediumGlass, Copper alloy; various materials in tube
Credit LineTransfer from George Westinghouse Museum Foundation
DescriptionCopper alloy (Cupaloy) replica time capsule; cylinder with cone-shaped ends and oblong window in center revealing Pyrex glass tube filled with material to document the culture of 1939. White text below window. Contents include: baseball; Bible; Book of record of the Time Capsule; can opener; doll; electric lamp bulb; electric lamp socket; electric wall switch; electric razor; camera; cosmetic kit; golf ball; golf tee; hat; magnifying viewer for microfilm; padlock with keys; pipe; poker chips; safety razor and blades; glass tubes of barley, carrot, field corn, oats, flax, spring wheat, sugar beets, and tobacco seeds; silverware (knife, fork, spoon); slide rule; telephone transmitter-receiver, tooth brush, and Westinghouse Sterilamp.Dimensions89.9998 x 8.375 in. (228.6 x 21.3 cm)InscriptionsText below window: "THIS IS A REPLICA" followed by "TIME CAPSULE OF CUPALOY, DEPOSITED ON THE SITE OF THE NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR ON SEPTEMBER 23, 1938, \ BY THE WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC & MANUFACTURING COMPANY. IF ANYONE SHOULD COME UPON THIS \ CAPSULE BEFORE THE YEAR A.D. 6939 LET HIM NOT WANTONLY DISTURB IT, FOR TO DO SO WOULD BE \ TO DEPRIVE THE PEOPLE OF THAT ERA OF THE LEGACY HERE LEFT THEM. CHERISH IT THEREFORE IN A SAFE PLACE." die-stamped on the metal.
Historical NotesBuilt for the 1939 New York World's Fair as a display to show visitors the original time capsule which was already buried. The replica does not contain all the items from the original time capsule, just a selection. The time capsule was built as a lasting record of culture in 1939 to be opened in 6939. On loan to the George Westinghouse Museum since April 20, 1988 from the Westinghouse Electric Corporation and transferred to the Heinz History Center in 2007 when the Westinghouse Museum closed. According to Ed Reis, the Westinghouse Electric Corporation is defunct. The court transferred all collections to HSWP. Credit to "George Westinghouse Museum Foundation".
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c. 2007