
Object number2011.24.1
Manufacturer (1903 - 1933)
Credit LineDr. Clifton Dietz
DescriptionColorless glass tumbler. Engraved text on body provides 1920 game information for Rochester High School. Text outlined with engraved rope with tassels.Dimensions5.875 x 3.5 x 5.625 x 3.5 x 11.125 in. (14.9 x 8.9 x 14.3 x 8.9 x 28.3 cm)
InscriptionsEngraved text on body "1920 / Championship of Western Penna. / won by Rochester High School / Scores for the Season / [followed by dates and scores]".

Handwritten text on base in black marker "D4 H. (?) DIETZ"; also on base is a circular green sticker with text "CLIFF / DIETZ".
Historical NotesRochester High School was founded in 1890, and now exists in a complex shared with elementary and middle school students. It is one of the oldest high schools in the state. This glass represents a piece of their long history and data about Western Pennsylvanian high school football for 1920. High school football is a core part of the region’s history.
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Pattern, Casting
H.C. Fry Glass Company
Pattern, Casting
H.C. Fry Glass Company
H.C. Fry Glass Company
Service, Tea
H.C. Fry Glass Company
H.C. Fry Glass Company
Pattern, Casting
H.C. Fry Glass Company
Pattern, Casting
H.C. Fry Glass Company
Pattern, Casting
H.C. Fry Glass Company
Pattern, Casting
H.C. Fry Glass Company
Pattern, Casting
H.C. Fry Glass Company
Pattern, Casting
H.C. Fry Glass Company