BiographySpiegel's Cousins' Club was formed in late 1957 by descendants of Herman “Harry” Spiegel and his sister Bertha Spiegel Lebovitz. The club held regular meetings at Adath Israel Synagogue in Oakland (also known as the Ward Street Synagogue), as well as in the homes of members. Each year, the club generally hosted a Purim masquerade in the spring, a picnic in the summer and a Chanukah party in the winter. The multi-generational club included members of the Feldman, Lebovitz, Rofey, Rosenbloom, Rosenthal, Sittsamer, Spiegel and Smooke families. The name on the box, “Z. Smooke,” is Zoltan Smooke, a son-in-law of Bertha and her husband Abraham Lebovitz and an officer in the Club.