C. W. Heppenstall Sr.
C.W. Heppenstall, Sr. was the owner of Heppenstall Company in Lawrenceville.
He was born in a suburb of Philadelphia, June 12 1872, and came to Pittsburgh with his parents in 1877. In the summer of 1886, he went to work with his father at the plant of the Howe-Brown Company, as a "broom-off" boy. In 1893, at the age of twenty-one, he started working at Trethewey as an office boy at a salary of twenty dollars per month, eventually becoming President and then Chairman of the Board in 1939. Under his management the company grew from a fifty thousand dollar organization to a ten million dollar organization, and in addition to the Pittsburgh Plant, opened anther plant in Bridgeport, Conn. and a warehouse in Detroit, Michigan, and district offices in all the large cities of the United States. The use of forge manipulators and steam hydraulic presses are among C.W. Heppenstall’s contributions to the steel industry.