The Webster-Chicago Corporation was founded by Rudolph F. Blash around 1914 when he was 28. The corporation is well known for their electronic equipment, one of which is the Webster-Chicago Audio Wire Recorder owned by Charles “Teenie” Harris. Blash was born in Bavaria and immigrated to the USA. The company was first known as the Webster Novelty Co., then the Webster Company, and then to the Webster-Chicago Corporation. Blash was determined to maintain the success of the release of the audio wire recorder c. 1949 and hired Donald MacGregor to preside as the company’s president in 1952. This did not last long however and Blash and his company experienced severe conflict which caused a campaign against him and the business. After Blash died at age 70, his successor Titus Haffa changed the name of the company to WebCor. The company was bought by US Industries in 1966.
Source: “Electronic Memory Wire Recorder by Webster Chicago Corp., c.1949.” Madeinchicagomuseum.com. 2015/7/4.