Object number2007.68.1 a-c
MediumBrass; rubber(?); leather; ink
Credit LineGift of Leon Semins
DescriptionInk blotter with box.
Rectangular brass ink blotter handle with red leather inscription and a hard, white hard rubber-like surface in a rocker-style on the bottom. Inscription provides commemorative business information. Rubber-like surface has red and blue ink stains.
Cardboard top of box. Gold metallic covering with blue screen printed text on top and sides providing product information. Inside box top has further product information and also gives cleaning directions.
Cardboard bottom of box, blue covering, with half-moon holes on sides for lifting. Ruffled paper bottom where blotter rests is also curved.Dimensions1 x 2.5 x 4.875 in. (2.5 x 6.4 x 12.4 cm)Inscriptions(a)
Red leather inscription: "1907 [circle with capital letter R and "RENARD" vertically in "R"] 1952 / FORTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY / Renard Linoleum & Rug Co. / 3200 Liberty GRant 1-7509 [capitalization as written] / Pittsburgh 1, Pa. / AMERICA'S LARGEST FLOOR COVERING DISTRIBUTOR".
Blue screen print on top and sides:
Top: "THE CHEMICAL PERPETUAL INK BLOTTER / [image of dropper dripping ink on blotter surface] / Permablot *"; f
Front side: "* Trade-Mark";
Proper right and left: "THIRSTY BLOTTER".
Inside box top explains what "Permablot" is and does, and also gives cleaning directions.
Historical NotesInk blotters were used to blot the excess ink on letters and even artwork. This particular blotter was most likely used in the business-aspect.
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