Samuel Rosenberg
Samuel Rosenberg
Samuel Rosenberg

Samuel Rosenberg

American, 1896 - 1972
BiographySamuel Rosenberg (1896-1972) was a painter and art instructor known as the “dean of Pittsburgh painters.” Rosenberg came to Pittsburgh as a child from Philadelphia by way of Erie, Pa. He took art classes at the Columbian Council School and won a scholarship to study under Jacob R. Coblens. As an artist, Rosenberg evolved stylistically over the course of his career. He painted portraits in the 1920s, impressionistic city scenes in the 1930s, allegorical tableaus in the 1940s and luminous abstracts in the final decades of his life. He frequently exhibited around the region, appearing in every Associated Artists of Pittsburgh annual exhibition between 1916 and 1967 and 21 times in the Carnegie International. As an art instructor at Irene Kaufmann Settlement House Art School (1917-1929), the Young Men’s and Women’s Hebrew Association (1926-1964), the Pennsylvania College for Women (1937-1945) and the Carnegie Institute of Technology (1924-1964), Rosenberg taught many prominent artists including Rochelle Blumenfeld Mel Bochner, Aaronel deRoy Gruber, Jane Haskell, Philip Pearlstein and Andy Warhol.